Sparks, spores, and space

A few new things from me:

A mushroom, fruiting body of the universe.

A poem and a painting that go together.

“Mycophilia” - 2 x 3 feet. Many acrylic layers with metallics. Available here.


Solid black astral

afterbirthed mist in time

swept from the firmament

leaving nothing.

I should recognize

in starlight’s absence

the free-floating twist

sharp cold of the Before

and the Zen Koan which reads,

“What was your name

before you were born?”

Nameless, breathless

smooth pupils wide

my reflection stares back.

It claws at my faceplate

to pull inside

greedy, hungry, lonely

I hold her close.

She calls me home.

“Space Embrace”- 10 x 10 inch acrylic painting with collaged watercolor paper circle.

Join me for National Poetry Month/NaPoWriMo :


Real Paintings!


Downtown & West of Weird