all under the same sun
“Many, or perhaps most of us, care about a variety of environmental issues. But there are times when the destruction of nature becomes personal - the cutting down of a tree we know and love, or the paving over of a natural spring that we have been caring for and praying with. It is in these times, when the magnitude of Earth’s destruction sinks in from the head to the heart. It is in these moments when the destruction shakes us to our core, when our heart breaks open, when our grief wells up in heaving sobs, it is here that sentient nature, the spirits of nature, take notice of us.
It is here that we grieve together.
It is here that we and nature hold each other’s wounds.
It is here that we may begin working together to heal the illusion of our separateness,
and protect this sacred Earth.” - Andrew Bear
Leah Jay makes contact with what has been lost and what we are losing through her paintings and poems. She invites intimate experiences with our fellow beings, and the opportunity to reflect on the ever-changing processes and cycles that include us all.

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