about me
After most of a lifetime lived in the California Bay Area, I moved to the Pacific Northwest a few years ago. Now, I feel lucky to be surrounded by green, and trees, and gratefully immerse myself in the forest each day. It's as if a new kind of music plays that I have never heard. Every living thing has felt more precious and alive as my sense of interconnectedness to place deepens.
Working process-forward, I pour, drip, scatter, adhere, and compress plastic and other materials, allowing texture to evolve and emerge. Once dried, I add layers to define and elaborate. This method starts in a quick and spontaneous way, but becomes slow and deliberate.....my organic process mirrors the way life creates itself. Through imagery ranging from the abstract to the realistic, I strive to capture the deep magic and transformational nature of the living world. My creations are prayers to the fragile sacredness of all life during a time of intensifying climate instability and ecological collapse.