Real Paintings!
…created by hand, in real 3D space, with real paint on real canvases. A.I.s can’t make these. (At least, not yet.)
Sacred Chemistry is 4 feet across and a foot high. What alcohol drips do to acrylic paint glazes really fascinates me. After many layers, picking out the organic forms with thicker paint makes a texture you can feel with your fingertips.
Do you get the feeling of some chemical reaction? Magic coursing through water droplets?
Here’s another - I call it Snail Sovereign.
Have you ever held a snail in your hand?
It invites you to slow down….to stoop, and to feel its delicate coldness. If you wait, it will be braver with you and extend its head. You can then hold it up to the light. Sometimes when the sun shines, light passes through its body. Snails are made from the same materials as eagles, butterflies, dolphins, horses, and you.
Many thin glazes of transparent paint, 2 x 3 feet.
p.s. Because I know that small paintings can also be wonderful in their own way, I’m getting out the smaller canvases and boards and getting ready for more fun this summer!
Here’s hoping you’re enjoying the warm season 💛💛💛