Holiday Cards & Gifts
Finding it tough to find holiday cards to please everyone? These might do the trick! “Peace on Earth” and “Snowy Doves” cards in sets of 10 — available now at Village Gallery of Arts in Portland, Oregon.
“Envisioning”, $90, and “Mushroom Utopia”, $320, are also available at Village Gallery of Arts. These are one of a kind original watercolor and gouache works on paper mounted to birch and finished with cold wax. Wired and ready to display.
If you’re anything like me, December hits and the scramble begins to find gifts for everyone. I personally love giving gifts, but there are some people that are just so difficult to shop for. I find Generation Z to be a huge challenge…..they live their lives online (not judging here, just observing) so what do physical gifts even mean? They tend to live in smaller spaces, too. Most of them don’t want any more “stuff” anyway.
If anyone out there has cracked the Generation Z gift-giving code, please let me know — I need ideas!
As far as the rest of your list, there might be someone on it that has a bit of wall space just begging for some original art. My art section has a lot on it that might brighten someone’s environment. For those of you who already own a Leah Jay creation — it is an honor to be a part of your life!
“June” to beat the winter gloom. $85
Got an idea for art (for yourself or a future gift?) I would love to hear about what catches your eye, what lifts you up, what makes you grin! I know in this world overfilled with computer-generated images, I’ve taken to heart what my hands can create that AIs never could. I guess what I’m saying is….expect more depth & texture in 2023….