Blues for Gaia

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Painted in response to, and collaboration with, my friend James Gregg (aka West Riding.)

The interplay of somber tones and energetic beats spinning away into beautiful chaos meshed with my conflicting feelings of love for this bright world of life, and dark grief at witnessing it all being torn apart. During these intensely disturbing times of climate and ecological breakdown, I choose to turn toward it, rather than looking away. To embrace life, dancing, while collapsing, clinging to it in tears.
The finished work, 'Blues for Gaia,' is acrylic on canvas and measures 36 inches by 18 inches. I specifically designed it to be hung either vertically or horizontally. There is no up, no down, no sky or land, inside or out. Horizon doesn't exist, gravity is a trickery. The moon is the only stable object, but even that carries the seeds of change.
My primary goal in art is to convey feeling. Honesty has more value than pretty lies, in these transitional days. This world contains beauty and horror, creation and destruction, hope and terror. On the cusp of rapidly accelerating transformation we can choose to focus on either.

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