pavement long low and broad
gray and tough hide covering all
the horizon unbroken flat smooth
pavement pavement pavement pavement
as far as my steps will take me
not one difference all steps alike
just pavement wet with rain
drying some spots higher some are lower
lifeless gray pack dirt beneath sinking
a little here a little there
running and rolling and spilling
out over all this land my whole walk
consumed by it swallowed up by it
pavement unending pavement always pavement
pacing rhythmically forward
never resting this smothering shadow
here and now here the slightest rise
leading to a long crack and then another
parting the dark sea
black on black
I stumble. Surprised.
something breaks through,
dares to interrupt.
a lean spire of green
a tiny thread of life,
the sparest surge of hope.