So…that happened.
I’m working on art again after a short post-show breather. I call this the Research and Development phase, where I take out the art supplies and try new things. Here we have “Old Growth” which is acrylics, if you can believe it. I’m not 100% happy with the white mushroom outlines, they are too messy for me so I’m going to keep plugging away to get a better result.
Who needs Instagram anyway? Watch me as I go from “why use anything else but Instagram, it’s great!” to the more realistic attitude of “don’t trust any social media that’s free of charge to you”. Sometimes, it takes your years of work following and acquiring followers and learning more about a social media channel and how to utilize it and THEN HAVING THE WHOLE THING BEING DELETED PERMANENTLY OUT FROM UNDER YOU WITHOUT REASON OR RECOURSE to get that healthy dose of realism that was needed.
I’m fine, Really. *twitch, twitch*
In the meantime, as promised, I’m paying more attention to my website. The goal is to use it, to keep it current, and have it be my true home base. I’m paying for the thing, so I might as well.
If you’ve followed me on Facebook, wonderful, thanks for riding along, no change for now. I exist on Twitter as well, in case you’re into climate activism (but I’m considering how I use Twitter, my strategy might change). Other links that turn up when Googling me still have Instagram-directed links embedded in them. There’s nothing I can do about that, except just to get the word out there - sorry about those broken links.
The best way to keep in contact is through my mailing list. If you’re reading this in email form: thanks! I promise every email from me will continue to be at least one of these three: informative, interesting, or inspiring. I will be saving special art/photos/poetry just for you as a subscriber — yes, I’m promising you things in my emails that will not be on social media. Because as I stated before, social media blows. *pounds fist on table*
I’m fine!
‘Till next time,