An Online Art Show and an In-Person One

“Ice Bridge” Watercolor and gouache on birch. 20” x 16” $320


In the boundary between
maple branch and tree
beyond nourished, now overfed
the riot of birdsong fills me

It is important not to be fooled
as trilliums, set free, spill over
the trail’s edge, ignoring it

don’t be enthralled or charmed
by tinted galerinas

or the dot of a bumblebee
punctuating the poppies

There is nothing inherently
fixed or true, about
woodpecker staccato
sweet taste of pollen
bright buds by thousands

it’s all one luminous whole
And I know this

So why is it difficult
to avoid being taken in
by the illusion of separateness
as manzanita scented air
must end somewhere

Please join me ...

Terra Art Collective presents: "Ecolibrium" at Gallery Route One
August 27 (reception 7 pm) – October 2
Center Gallery: Steve Pring
Annex: Steven Hurwitz
Project Space: Visiting Artist Program: Terra Art Collective

with Deborah Kennedy|Michele Guieu|Shannon Amidon

- and me! I'm getting excited about the show as a whole, it's really coming together. For my part, my goal is to partner poetry with the art, so that viewed together they can create a richer, deeper emotional experience. I'm about halfway done and just have about six weeks before I need to submit an inventory, so wish me luck!


Make Plans to Stay Cool